I'm aware of the fact that some folks who have stumbled upon this blog don't appreciate how I'm posting their BCD and locker room out in the clear. I can understand and empathize with that sentiment to a point. However, in order to get my point of view across, I have found it worthwhile to put this blog together.
In an earlier blog entry in the Pontificate, I stated that I would delete this blog ONLY if corrupt moderators from san antonio, ck1942 and dennisrn, are removed by the owner. After some thought...I've changed my mind and have decided to soften my stance, and I am now willing to make the following offer. Maybe one could call it a compromise, an attempt to meet the other party in this dispute halfway. So..I issue the following challenge to the ASPD moderators. If they take me up on it in
good faith, I, in turn, will delete this blog for good, and will cease and desist from any further activity which involves the copying of bcd info to other sites unauthorized. This would also be an "easy" way for ASPD to save countless dollars in attorneys' fees-- if they ever attempted any sort of legal wrangling with me over the copying of bcd info at any point; besides, aspd isn't likely to win anyway because it is promoting an outlawed activity. I believe that the following offer I'm going to lay out would sound fair to any reasonably minded person. Here it goes:
In the signature under my former username
tysteel, the following claims were inserted in red lettering by ck1942, which appear in almost all of my backpostings:
This member's previous parole and reinstatement on his promise to follow the rules have been revoked and the original ban is reinstated for the offenses of multiple handles, posting a false review and stalking providers and trying to gather personal data on provider clients and continuing to register additional handles here in violation of the board owner's rules.As I've said before, and just as I communicated to the aspd support staff at the time when these
inaccurate and
false accusations were affixed to all of my backpostings: Ck1942 pulled all of this out of his ass due to his interest and fixation with getting back at me because:
1. I publicly questioned his honesty and lack of integrity as a moderator (and rightly so, too) on the public boards.
2. I posted a highly critical review of one of his atfs on other escort review sites(which he also bullied me into not posting on aspd).
So, it's my contention that Ck1942 has next to nothing to back up his specific allegations of "stalking providers" and "trying to gather personal data on clients".
Now, for what I did do. Yes, I do admit that I did register another handle without permission, that one is true. And yeah, I'll admit to being aspdwatch, but so what. As for his claim that I posted a "false review", well, that is also a distortion of the truth. I never posted a "false review" and he knows it.
An explanation: when I first joined ASPD, around June or July of '06, I was a board newbie at the time and having trouble scheduling with providers due to lack of references and whatever. So, in frustration, I decided to post a "fantasy" review about a "sexy piano teacher".
It should've been obvious, to anyone with half a brain, that it was a fantasy review and not one of a legitimate or registered provider. Others had posted such "fantasy reviews" before, which of course are for entertainment value and not eligible for BCD credit. So his contention that I wrote a "false review"...well, he conveniently leaves out the rest of the story in his attempt to deceive the community.
so here is my challenge to the aspd moderatorsI will cease and desist, and delete this blog, under these conditions:
I request that Ck1942 be forced to back up his claims that I've "stalked providers" and "gathered info on provider clients" on ASPD, in public view of everyone, with his supposed evidence.
Let him put out his so-called evidence of my alleged wrongdoing against providers, let the "supposed" providers come forward if they so wish, and let the members of aspd decide if his allegations hold water or not.
If his supposed "evidence" does not convince the majority of the membership, or if he refuses to back up his claims on the the aspd public board, then I request that:
Ck1942 is over-ruled by other administrators and that all claims that I've stalked providers and gathered such info on provider clients be removed from all of my back postiings and signature at ASPD. IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO PUT UP, OR SHUT UP, ASPDI also submit that if Ck1942 were to put forward "evidence" (which I highly doubt..he has next to nothing to back it up any way..other than the ranting of his atf, who was disgruntled because I criticized her service in a review) that I'd be entitled to post ONE reply via PROXY to his supposed evidence, just to be fair. My thinking on this is that I could send my rebuttal to support, and that they can post my response by proxy. Just to be fair.
So, in summary, that is the crux of my offer. I will delete this site, no more copying of reviews on my part, if ASPD moderators (or any aspd moderator for that matter) respond to my challenge in good faith. Ck1942 should be required to put forward his evidence publicly of the claims he has made against me so the readers can make up their minds. If not, then the claims should be removed.
A disclaimer here, do keep in mind, for the record I do not own and operate aspddotnet.blogspot.com
I only maintain this blog; I do not have any control over ASPD4FREE, so my offer cannot include another individual's blog. He can set his own conditions, if he so chooses. I can only control what I do on this blog, not what others do in their free time.
And, no, I'm not asking for my ban to be over-turned. I don't care if I'm a member of ASPD or not. I just ask that if you are going to list reasons for banning me, at least be truthful about it.
Feel free to take me up on this offer at anytime. What are you afraid of, ASPD MODERATORS?