| hide details 4:05 PM (8 hours ago) |
I was just checking out your blog where you post the private info on those who you suppose are the anti-aspd bloggers in the open, and I'd like to comment. BTW, I assume that you're the Hambone from aspd, based not only on the writing style, but as well as the personal animosity expressed toward Kosair on your own blog. For the record: I, Tysteel, not Kosair, run the blogs that bear the "Pirates" name. I run the free Austin and San Antonio blogs. If you really want to see the blogs taken down, then you are going all about it the wrong way by attempting to "out" people. Intimidation tactics of that sort aren't going to work in this situation. If you really want to see my blogs deleted, then work with me, and I will take them down. As I said in my "challenge to aspd moderators" posting, I want any and all claims made against me removed from ASPD. The more serious claims which Ck1942 has made against me, claiming that I've stalked providers...well, that is pure BS. And, if what he says is true, then where is the evidence? Where is his proof? How come not a single provider has posted a complaint on me in any alerts section of aspd if I'm guilty of what he claims? It would reason that if I were doing what he says, then he would be encouraging all of these providers to come forward publicly, so as to make his accusations more believable. No one has come forward.. NOT A SINGLE PERSON....and that should speak for itself. He has no real evidence that he can hold up the scrutiny of the membership, and that is why he won't present any. I'm not going into all the "hows" and "whys" behind Ck1942's lies in this email, I've gone more into length on that issue on my own blogs, but that's the whole reason why I set up my "free aspd bcd" blogs in the first place. The whole rationale behind it was to show aspd ownership that there would be serious consequences to continually turning a blind eye when moderators like a Ck1942 make outrageous, agenda-driven claims against members without providing proof. I had tried to resolve this before by contacting support@aspd.net with my grievance, but I was ignored. It seems to me that there is no oversight over moderators there at all. So, I had tried to resolve this issue peacefully, but since I was ignored, I thought that maybe I should stick it to aspd just in the same way they allowed a gutless and cowardly moderator (ck1942) to attempt to stick it to me with his lies. So, maybe at this point, I could say that the score is pretty even across the board. I hope that if my blogging efforts were to accomplish anything...it is to make aspd and its moderators think twice before they make baseless accusations against members in the future. Now, if you are the Hambone, which is who I suspect you are...I will add that I really don't have much of a problem with you personally....other than your penchant for claiming that Kosair is behind my Pirate blog, when he simply is not. Perhaps you think my blogs are hurting aspd...well, I don't know what you think exactly, but you obviously have a very serious problem with the blogs or else why would you be outting Raphael and Kosair over it? But if you want the blogs deleted (at least mine, anyway), then I want you to work with me to do the following things, and it's very simple: 1) I want all of my back postings deleted from ASPD. 2) I want all claims which Ck1942 has failed to provide proof for removed from aspd. While the claims that Ck1942 has made against me personally don't have an effect on any hobbying I do, as I simply use another alias to hobby whenever I so choose, that's not the main reason why I want the claims against me removed. . The point is that what happened in my situation was WRONG, and to ensure that it doesn't ever happen to anyone else, I'm going to make a stand for what is right here. If anything, I hope this blog starts getting the attention of the ASPD owner, so she will look more closely at the behavior of Ck1942 and other moderators on the staff who are engaging in very questionable behavior. Then again, the idea that the owner of ASPD would have such an epiphany is a stretch, indeed. So, if you are willing to meet my two conditions(ARE YOU SERIOUS?, LOL), in return I will delete the blogs I've set up for San Antonio and Austin, and will no longer engage in any effort that involves the copying of BCD info out in the clear unauthorized. I will also no longer engage in any effort that involves spamming the ASPD boards by bumping up old topics in the San Antonio and Austin forums. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU DO LOSER, YOU KNOW WHY YOU'RE GAY? BECAUSE YOU ARE OBSESSED WITH A HOOKER BOARD AND CRY LIKE A LITTLE BITCH It is your choice. --tysteel HEY DUMB BITCH. WHO GIVES A FUCK WHAT YOU WANT OR THINK. YOU ARE A COMPLETE TOOL! DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR |
Here's a post from the dipshit participating in the Houston blog.
g is TOO perfect! Give me a fuckin' break!
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08-20-2008, 12:15
Boot Camp Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Houston
Posts: 52
Debriefings: 8.0
Who is the blogger?
So, I guess by now all of you have seen the latest round of... speculation on the p as to the blogger's identity.
What do you think, horndogs? Who is behind the blog?
I think it's Mr C. But what do I know, lol.
What of it
You have no idea whos doing this blog. Its obvious from your e-mail. You're e-mail reeks of desperation and fear. I am overly joyed that I have your undivided attention. Ahhhhhhhh, so sweet that your finally getting a taste of your own medicine. How do you like taking it up the ass.
This is where Ralphy takes it up his ass when his mommy is gone. You should leave those trannys alone they are't good for your reputation. But, thats already gone anyway. Tell me Ralphy, do you still frequent the book stores off Montrose to get your dicked sucked by random dudes? Or, are you getting deeper into the tranny scene. Don't be ashamed that your butt pirate and a freak. I've known about your freakish ways for years.
I have more pictures if this one in not to your satisfaction. A few hundred to be exact. hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah
All you freaks supporting that blog have been put on notice. I have lots to talk about. Your lies and freakish ways are going to be revealed, promise. Your all freaks. I'm going to let everyone know. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! This is so much fun. So, re-direct your email to someone who cares. Know one cares around here.
More images and fun stories to come. Maybe today or maybe tomorrow.
Check back regularly.
Looks like the butt pirate and pirate may have meet their match.
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